It seems that to be a part of what is called social eloquence, it is necessary to subscribe to utterances made before those who wish to know the truth about matters which interest them. It is said before this c...
Never, under any circumstances, be that which would invoke harm on another for we say when this occurs there is a price to pay and this price is often associated with self esteem and the ability to move ahead. In spite of what may be seen, there is never a reason to do so for in offering such ...
Let us tell you a story, made up as it were, but the fable is accurate and forthcoming we assure you. Imagine in times long ago when forests were spotted with trees and logs and all kinds of things that belonged there. Inasmuch as we would like to say this was a normal occurrence it was not, for som...
When there is a part to play we see the errors made by many who, in trying to do their best, forget what it is they are doing. If that isn't difficult enough, it seems that many also forget who exactly is doing it. In these times when much is seen in reverse of what it actually is doing, we say man ...
During times when all is said and done there are always those waiting to step forward with that which they believe is right and correct thinking for what is bemusing them at the moment. In that this is true for them, it is not of slightest concern to anyone else who may be within earshot to hear the...
We would like to talk about those things seen from afar and how they differ when viewed from a different perspective. Know it is true, when viewing, all that is seen is refracted off of the object in question. The object itself has not changed but the viewpoint may well do so. In and of this l...
With these things said it is important to know what befalls a country when all seems to have gone wrong in the wake of disastrous usurptions by those in charge. What it comes down to is this for the forerunners of time unequivocally settled on this for their solution to a plight so beset with misgiv...