"It is said that without knowledge there can be no forward progress, but without wisdom there can be no forward life."
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End Game

End Game

youtubeWhen all is said and done we see much that has occurred to ferret out those in submission to those in power, holding captive a nation at its feet. In these times it is important to consider the ramifications brought upon you by those who would do no wrong in the midst of all this. To succumb to powers external to Self is all inclusive of a suicide mission gone awry and in these things lie the errors thought to ensue from those things spoken about long ago.

While this is occurring it is seen those who are in charge faltering in place, not able to keep up with all that is occurring and in this lie precepts of errors found to include those who outright disobey the sanctions in place to dissuade any from taking a stand. While this is occurring there are others involved in subterfuge of another sort, long deemed inappropriate on the surface, but effective none the less, on freeing those in charge from the sanctions that bind them, and in this way all are left on their own, doing what comes to them naturally.

Soft spoken individuals fail in this light for it is seen the effects, world wide, of such sanctions put into place to ensnare all involved in the demise of a civilization gone rancid with decay. It is in these times we say to keep on guard for those around you will know no better than to recede into the darkness of being, so situated as to bring distress on all levels of being and this is not easy to endure for in the end what is planned for most is the complete totalitarian control of mind, body and soul of all who will submit to them. And this we say is not going to go easily indeed.

The Takeover of Humanity
Caveat Emptor


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Sunday, 09 March 2025