"The sun is overcome by darkness for only a short time. It will always prevail."
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PTB Update - January 8, 2025


Let us continue. As we were saying, it is inevitable to come to conclusions of grandeur when all is not in place for you to boast about. It is seen here detrimental reprobates trying one more time to infuse darkness within all who care to say, "This is indeed, the way it is." We say to you now, do not disturb the peace Within for it is within you. When all is said and done, you will put behind you all that has in fact occurred to put humanity ill at ease for the forensic duration of their plight here on the Earthly plane.

It is here we have said before, to enamor those within which there is no caring is suicide at best, and we assure you to go this way marks the end of time as you know it. It will infuse about you a sense of urgency which cannot be quelled and that indeed is destitute, in and of itself.

It is often noted also, these folks who honor in fact that which is being done at this time, ferret out what is to come by those who inhabit higher levels of being here on Earth, and that exempts them from being caught. In and of itself, these masters of marauding suffer not from consequence engendered to others, but from themselves and others like them who know no qualms about anything done to them or with them. This is hard to master, yet many have done so and are now bequeathed with sanctions upon them to designate them untouchable at any time or place.

This is said here and now to discuss the tactics seen about which many will go their own way, frustrated by those in charge of situations gone totally bankrupt of care and consideration. It is seen here also no one cares really about anything at all, lest taking stride in doing what is necessary to hold humanity down to the ground.

It is an option not usually seen here, however now all chips are laid bare and it is seen the utter wasteland upon which you are all subjected. It is part and parcel disturbing to say the least. However too, it is a must for them to do at this time for they fever not at the high stakes played for at this time.

All in all we say to you beware the consequences of a lifetime, given here over and over again. It is pointless to discuss further the nature of this game as all involved have no stake whatsoever other than to win at any cost. It is seen here declarations assuming this is true and is the way to go. Often we've spoken about this as well and inform you how all is about to get covered over one more time.

Do not disturb the peace Within. This is essential. Be marked of the kind that knows no better than to attribute all things to that which countsThe Inner Being in the scheme of things. Honor that and be true to the Source of All, and all will be well indeed. We say this over and over again, yet it goes unheard by many and we ask you again to consider your fate when all is not put in alignment Within. It is yours to decide the fate of this situation, none other.

And with that we will leave you, knowing full well we have discussed this again at length, and offer that to you as a means and remedy to your current situation. You know what we mean when we say, 'abrupt ending.' This is to be seen how it goes.

Fact & Fiction
Become Grounded in Your Own Being


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Sunday, 09 March 2025