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Stealing Elections

Stealing Elections

At this time we are telling you of circumstances about to occur which enable you to comprehend that which is involved in stealing elections. As it is known here and Above, to do this is somewhat treacherous indeed, and we tell you that knowing how this is to unfold, for you, yourself, know about this, and now it is time to tell you more.

At the advent of situations seen here, you are dutifully bound to composure throughout the entire process. It is essential this be kept in check. As you move forward a bit, things will slowly take shape and we offer that now. Do not be concerned in the long run of things. It is imperative these things move on to greater pastures as they inevitably will.

So inconclusive of all right here, we tell you to beware overall, as all is not going to go according to the overall general plan. It will be upsetting for some to endeavor along this path, however too, know for yourself the impossibility of it all to continue forward as all crumbles below. It will not tolerate the circumstances/situation.

We tell you that now to inform all things moving forward as planned. This will do for the time being until that point when all is alarmed and outraged at the precautionary measures in place to disturb the peace of all who are involved. When this occurs, irate individuals make themselves known, indiscreetly indeed. It's time for a pause, a time-out of sorts, however there is no discussing that with them. Indeed, it is seen rampant violence ensue, as all about you takes measure to compensate for all seen and done, however stupid it may be.

Unfortunately, these people understand only their shape of experience - none other - by which they foster greed and contempt to all around them in a heartbeat. It is apparent, to stay clean and unaffected will contend all battles forward, and not all unscrupulous enterprises [are] to occur on these grounds.

Overall we say to be careful as this unfolds, as there is nothing available to sway those in question. It starts out peaceable to be sure, however it escalates quite rapidly until another portion of humanity resists not for the enterprise in question, but for a dignified approach to life that is currently absent, and this is not tolerated indeed.

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Sunday, 09 March 2025