[How do I move past judgment? I know it's based on elevating ego, but how to stop.] We say to you it's not about judgment. It's about sanctifying the relationship between them and you. There is no other way. Judgment bequeaths all kinds of ills and this we say is very bad indeed. The being needs rea...
368 Hits
[After another onslaught from the mind...] We see this detrimental passage of events clearly and it is seen the effects brought upon you and we say although much has happened you have not slipped from our grasp. In fact, we see you stronger situated to move forward because of it and we say well done...
385 Hits
When we say look about you we infer to look for those things that may impede progress. That which impedes progress are known by the effects they wield on the being. Inasmuch as we would say all beings respond similarly this is not the case for all have specific makeup characteristics that infuse dif...
386 Hits