It Was All Planned
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At all cost, do not disturb the peace within. We say this in fact to acquiesce one's Self into the realm of the One Beyond. To do this effectively, one must be in peace and seen here, disturbed little. As we have spoken of earlier, it is of no consequence these things pass by unnoticed by those about you. It does not matter if they submit to changing themselves or they do not. It is important, to you especially, as all about them fails at this time to grasp the import of what is to come for them.
In light of this take heed yourself, to continue on in a manner which scopes out the best you have to offer during the days ahead. Little consequence is at stake for those who do, seen here as messengers from God, to do the work they were told about centuries ago, long before this ever began. Here it was seen with dutiful eyes, the scope of vision laid bare indeed, to quantify the nature of creation, laid bare for those to evoke within themselves that which was feared most of all - the separation of the Soul Self from the nature of reality itself, here envisioned as that with no heart to behold.
Often it has been said this, to do with those who at the onset, cared not so much for exercises in futile attempts to bring ones around to acknowledgeing that the One Above steeps within all consequences of being, far removed from Source itself. It is however, of little consequence to imagine this playing out much further than it has already, as much has been learned in the process of doing this, and it is seen now all has been learned according to plan, staged eons ago.
At this time we encourage you to take heart and move forward with all given. It is not important to consider that all has been turned asunder as this was all part of the requisite for moving this far to begin with. At this time too, know full well and good that to take advantage of any given situation is not up for grabs, as all done with this is now expired with its usefulness.
Take advantage fully at that which is seen and known, for this is given to you now at this time to understand more fully the nature of that which is seen daily on your planet. It behooves all of you to take part in your own way to bring back the balance, long lost, to suitable measures to explain the purpose and nature of being, involved in such a way as to determine at the onset, that which is in fact, dealt with from the inside first, then the outside in appropriately determined outcomes.
Take heed as we speak to envelop the ones you love and care for, for they too are involved in this as deeply as ever. In fact, we see many of you determined to succeed in the efforts to abscond with peace and prosperity at your feet. Initially we say to you, Truth never hurt anybody. However, here is a little different as all about you have come to depend on that which has no purpose, other than to enslave a nation without hope of continuing with a prosperous life ahead.
At this time however, know full well and good to take pride in that which is being done wreaks havoc on those in charge and leaves them to succumb to their own madness instead, however gruesome it may seem. These folks have it in them and require no hope along the way, subsistent only to those other recluses who foster no hope about them.
Take heed in this arrogance of personhood, so designated upon a people that little can withstand the punch involved in yielding to no one of like kind. It is here they all dwell of like kind, to ensue once more in the madness they have created for themselves at large, to assume no responsibility for themselves or otherwise for it is seen at this time the detrimental forces in action to consume them shortly.
And in that view we will leave you for now to continue later in an effort to fill you in completely on that which is to arrive shortly at your doorstep, indeed.
[Question, please. Am I understanding this correctly? This portion of creation was planned, to see what would come from not having any awareness or idea that God/Creator existed or was actually the Self within?]
Indeed, this was given long ago to induce within forgetfulness of this fact. In essence, life went on in ways unexpected until now when all enters completion about itself. Time was ordained long ago to include this, in effect, leaving out no one who cared to try life's existence without knowing where they came from.
At this time many have forgotten, and we say this surreptitiously for all will come forward again in a manner to their liking, seen here as a split of sorts, to include those so inclined to leave the essence of God behind forever in a way that suits them best, held captive forever amidst a system with no rebuke about it, soon to arrive at your doorstep should you care to get on.
[So long ago, decision was made to try out living without direct experience of the One Above. That time is nearing its end whereby now a chance is offered to return to life with awareness of Creator... or not. Those who choose not to will be forever caught in that reality - never to escape - is that correct in summation?]
This is correct. There are some little in's and out's yet to be discovered, yet this is the way it is.