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Matrix Alternatives

matrix[What can be done to impact Humanity in a positive way to escape this 'Matrix'?]

It is not about you or others engaging in a fight over what's right or what's wrong. It's about you and others leading them in the right direction for their own salvation within each of themselves. In this way those of you who are engaged in this task are enabling them to come forth on their own, making decisions that impact their lives in a more positive direction.

We say this to you,  inasmuch as we care not to discredit anyone at this time, above all else there lie keys to prosperity and a better way of being, in spite of what is told in your media.  These things are abrupt exaggerations to witness what is happening in the light they wish presented to you. It is not reasonable, nor inclusive, to have such instances of lies and deceit at the forefront of anyone's experience here on Earth so we say indeed, it is about leveraging what is available to you at this time.

All in all, we say go forward to include all around you with what you know and are aware of. It behooves all to take the light and shine it in the dark corners of their being to lift the curse of dismay from their lives once and for all. For in this approach the willingness to acquiesce is nullified and those in power will have no choice but to back down in light of the fact that all have discovered their secrets which are now in the light to be shared and seen.

In this way, mankind can move forward, knowing within each is the power of decisions gone awry with freedom and the sense that within all lies the same force for everyone. It is these days that we speak of when we say Humanity has to get it together, for without this, none will survive to tell the tale of what actually occurred as all will be buried in a stagnant state of self denial, forever waiting to consume their being when the powers see fit to do so.



Wake Up Call!
The Origin of Humanity's Slavery


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Sunday, 09 March 2025