"It is not what you do that counts. It is how you do it."
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The Obedient Ones


youtubeIn these times greatness appeals to all, inasmuch as it can be seen by those whose will is compromised by thoughts of 'do this' and 'do that,' for within themselves it is seen the demise of glory rendered witless in its stead, as these beings march forward to the slaughterhouse of being, subjected to frenzied activities rendered by those who could care less how you were treated. In these times thoughts abound about freedoms lost and those things gained from foresight and ill attempts to do so, but we say this is not the end, but the beginning of that which will alter a society, so rich with fear, in ways you cannot fathom at this time.

We say to you it is not about anything other than what you have lost to yourself, nothing more. And these things play out, as it were, on the stage of deceit placed before you for you to see and witness, wholeheartedly, before being beset with ruin for yourself. In these times man knows no better than to clothe himself in garments of distress and place them on the backs of all considered enemies of the people, and we say this is not necessary for those who insult the status quo know within there is something more to life than the mere adherence to it.

So in these times we know the results of those who continue to do as told and say to them watch out for you know not what you have done to yourself in the process. It behooves everyone to take a stand and do what they know is right for the being within which they have been fashioned after, and we say until this is understood and demonstrated forward and enacted upon, those days of being with casual intentions will be long sought in the aftermath of what is to come.

Trading Sides
Emerging from the Darkness


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Friday, 07 March 2025