State Your Choices with Conviction

State Your Choices with Conviction

When the time comes to act, act with distinction and perseverance. There is no secret to this. We say to you that while the iron is hot strike quickly, make a definitive statement. Do something stark to reinforce your position with it no matter what that is, it matters not.

The whole idea is to become more in tune with what is happening in and around you and taking a stance most appropriately in that cause for yourself. It is not honorable to do otherwise for then things get rather mushy with directives and things going every which way. In this way the being is honored with decisions that are made and can be seen from afar in that this was stated loud and clear. So we say to you when choices are made, make them clearly for yourself and others. Do not get bogged down in miscellaneous matters that cloud the issue at hand. All that matters is the choice of the situation, nothing else does.

Survivalists of Future Days
Moving Forward


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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