More - The Aftermath

More---The Aftermath

To continue on with our narrative...

It is well known, the situation on Earth. Despite comments to the contrary, all inalienable rights have been compromised. Indeed, this is so. To the folks who inhabit such a place, it is concluded without a doubt, that this must be the way it is when in fact, the truth is lacking. As we see it, to tell you this much is seen as blasphemy in the eyes of others, who no doubt, continue on with their wrong doing to saturate the space with conundrums, unlike seen before. Here indeed lie the remnants of times past, whereby that which is known is kept hidden and out of reach of the general populace at large.

Here you will find errors along the way as it is seen here the demise of planetary systems is on the way. As we move closer to that point in time it will be known, first hand, the nature of that put before you, honestly, succinctly and in no uncertain terms. It is here you must focus attention in the aftermath of all situations gone amok with relative ease. Suffice it to say while we are on the subject, to continue onward in such a way distinctly offers success at its feet - distinctly so.

In the interim it best be suited to know and understand that which is to be done during a time when all is not well indeed. How often have we said it, to continue forward unimpeded is necessary to survive within the temptation to succumb, in all probability to that which harbors within the strength of a mouse and a harbinger of madness at its feet. To wit, the substance by which all this is to come and prosper by does not exist for those so involved and blinded by those in charge. There is no such thing, only hopes lost among disease and rituals to bring about change to destroy the likelihood of success ever again. The detrimental quality of life known on Earth will surreptitiously enhance the lives only of those with the ammunition to fire the shots of wealth and forbearance into the crowd of disbelievers that there could ever be another way to free the soul of its eternal bondage gone awry indeed.

So it is here you must think a moment, to pause and reflect [on] that about you, which is indeed in jeopardy of not knowing how this will all develop inside. Know too of this fact, it is seen many who cannot stand the nature of that which is now seen before them, only now it's too late to fathom a way out. The time has passed for that to occur.

You are not alone in that everyone must make a choice here, in this time, in this place called Earth. Know well and good, to suffice predominantly within is the best scenario, and this has been told before. At this junction we will depart at this time. We will return, count on that, for your disturbance once again. Until that point know well and good, these choices you make will pave the road of tomorrow.

Missing: The Inner Being
As Darkness Falls


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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