"The body need only to adapt to higher freqencies to enable it to receive."

Know Thyself


   At this time many things are about to go wrong. In and of that, we witness those things taking a toll on others for they are unable to comprehend what has occurred. As we move through this trial and tribulation let us tell you, among all things discussed here that has value lies Within,...

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  119 Hits

Things to Come


   [This message is yet another accounting of what Spirit sees during the aftermath of world collapse - Once again  they stress the importance of understanding what has occurred on the world stage as this will facilitate moving through the transition in tact. Now on to the message.] A...

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  131 Hits

The Aftermath - Renewal & Regeneration


   At this time we are willing to discuss The Aftermath* of all things considered in a day, to dispose of all the hype surrounding it at this time. We see, credentially speaking, an aftermath whereby all considered has nothing to do with what actually is happening. It is seen here wherewit...

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  135 Hits

Abandoning the Self of All


   It is time to discuss with you The Aftermath of all things seen. As you know, it is about to get difficult. As you know also, these things are not to be taken lightly. As we move through this time it's best to become acquainted with Self, indeed. As these options are open to anyone, it ...

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  263 Hits

New Beginnings


   We say to you at this time, inevitably all will come to order. It is seen now and Above, those things contingent on human suffering will indeed, blow away with the wind when all is said and done. At the outset here we inform you of this to demonstrate the knowledge of Above, and forthri...

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  184 Hits

The Aftermath - A Disturbing Perspective


   It is time to discuss the nature of the Aftermath in such a way as to disturb the peace forever in a day. It is seen here recluse on the loose within all things considered. It is seen also detrimental facilities emerging by which seldom needed products are necessitated into the open air...

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  308 Hits

Bearing Witness


   At this time we inform you of things to come. We see this clearly. At the outside we would say indeed, these things to come suffice all conclusions about them, as what you are about to witness shakes the Earth with great force and magnitude. You will see casualty for sure as this is a m...

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  302 Hits

Those Who Make the Effort Will Survive

Those Who Make the Effort Will Survive

    As we move forward it will be necessary to surmount many, many things. As this is the case you must have your wits about you, concentrated on all ends of that in question. Also, to ...

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  307 Hits

What is to Occur, is Known


It is said, as all this continues we can hope for change. In and of this truth we advise those about you to continue forward. At long last, it is imperative to concede all sources of life to tha...

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  478 Hits