It is seen here detrimental resurgence of folks not intending to do bad. The resurgence involves others who, unbeknownst to themselves, are often witnessed without hope, [and] step forward to annotate the surroundings without conceding benefit Within. It is hard pressed to see th...
[Spirit has been giving messages about becoming who you really are for a long time. It appears they have gradually been increasing the frequency of these, and here is yet another reminder to actualize this experience for yourself during these times of great change.] It is seen during th...
At this time many things are about to go wrong. In and of that, we witness those things taking a toll on others for they are unable to comprehend what has occurred. As we move through this trial and tribulation let us tell you, among all things discussed here that has value lies Within,...
[Once again Spirit speaks to the importance of bringing forward the Inner Being within yourself. There have been many messages attesting to this, so it can be assumed that this is important to do at this time. This message is for everyone.] Let us continue. As we were saying, it's not a...
At this time we talk about That Which Counts.* It is known to us that nothing else matters. As this is the case we inform you now of things to pass that merit no consideration about them, lest disturbing practice. At first let us envelop you with comfort as it is the way to go. At long ...
Let us continue, for as you know and are well aware of, these things coming to you are full of life-bearing consequences. We see you here, poised on the brink of annihilation/destruction, knowing full well ourselves it will never happen. As you are content with this it separates you fro...
It is seen clearly the avenue of approach that does wonders Within, and that is seen as the declaration that Within holds all aspects of being that you are, and none can be more promising nor abundant than another. This is the sheer honesty of the situation, for you were born and made i...
It is time to discuss with you The Aftermath of all things seen. As you know, it is about to get difficult. As you know also, these things are not to be taken lightly. As we move through this time it's best to become acquainted with Self, indeed. As these options are open to anyone, it ...
As we continue forward with you, let it be known in fact, you are going to do what is needed to bring yourself forward as all comes to conclusion around you. This indeed is true. You are seen as a matter of fact, taking refuge Within, and this represents what we've been talking about al...