"If you do not know where you are going, how can you get there?"
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The Aftermath - A Disturbing Perspective


It is time to discuss the nature of the Aftermath in such a way as to disturb the peace forever in a day. It is seen here recluse on the loose within all things considered. It is seen also detrimental facilities emerging by which seldom needed products are necessitated into the open air squalor that abounds at this time. Inevitably so, many are condensed into units of being so small it is no longer tolerable to them of life's greater joys. This is seen coming indeed, at a time when all obstacles are rendered with precise motive and duration, within which all applicable favors no one, indeed.

We request that all be put aside for a moment in time to understand briefly, that which is to come shortly. It interrupts the natural flow of existence and bottles it up into a completely useless parcel of being, rendered fit alone for the process of engulfing souls. This is completely and utterly preposterous by every stretch of the imagination, for seen here are only those whose beings who are on the line for committing such a foul degradation of spirit. All the rest are sanctioned into being, forlorn of all obstacles that might hinder, yet complete with the recognition within that all is not sanctioned without.

This we say to you now at this time. Be aware, be continuously aware to do your best is entirely essential. It is not important that which you do. It is important however how it all is done. Rest assured on that. Do not contain on that which has no merit. It is not responsible in any way for bringing things forward. Do contend for the better things in life and be present for what is about to occur, for only you can do anything about it at all.

We say this not without concern, for we understand the nature of what is put before us and understand too it was put there to disturb the peace forever in a day to combat those forces of being that destroy cities and destinies alike. We see that now occurring and ask that you be present during the takedown of a civilization to its bare roots one more time. It will, in effect, purge all likeness before you and honor those whose ideals have been met, whereby all comes surrounding those with heart and brings them to a new level of experience, for this will tell the tale of man and his response to what has been given for him to endure. The prospects seem great, however, often times much may be missing. So we tell you this to be forewarned of a situation whereby all is not well in the arena of man who have chosen the negative way to participate in these endeavors.

Once again, it is seen clearly the nature of that beholden to those who know no better at this time and wonder how it occurred at all. The demise of souls has been planned for a long time. We see that occurring as we speak. Do not contend with pointless actions that do no good for those around you. Consider yourself fortunate if and when you understand this at all.

Contention matters. It determines your stance in the situation above and designates you as a contender for life's better offerings indeed, seen here on the other side of the fence. It is here you will be disturbed less and profit more. Do your research to understand the implications rendered here, and also the contentions involved in setting fire the Spirit Within. This, above all things, is paramount indeed.

Recognizing the Spirit Within
PTB Update - June 24, 2024


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Sunday, 09 March 2025