"Behold, within each of us lies a power so great it is seldom realized by those who seek it."
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PTB Update - June 24, 2024

PTB Update - June 24, 2024

As we mentioned earlier, it has been found out the social obligations have left those in charge. They know nothing about them any longer. In fact, dutifully represented schisms prey on those involved in treason and treachery until there is nothing left for them to play with, advertently or not. So we say to you it is about time for you to consider yourself forward-motion involved and bring to light all those circumstances by which these occurred.

Until then we offer these conclusions for you to ponder during the last days seen here of those who know no better, infused with greed and guilt. It is seen these folks, obtuse in the making, have no sustenance by which to survive the coming onslaught poised for humanity's demise. This is seen as cataclysmic however put, yet beside them, held hostage, are those so incurred with self hatred they have officially given up the script for them to play.

At the onset this seems confusing, yet we honor that about you by declaring for once and for all these things will come to pass, no equivocation about them. To do otherwise insists on abusal of a system of documents designed to take creation to its next level. Here we have the remnants of that, forcing endurance upon all who require work be done with them, indeed. It is also seen at these times the wherewithal included with which it is possible to continue forward without escaping the clutches of these individuals. However, you must shift awareness to that corner of life's experience to the inner realms of being to fight this off effectively. Now at last you have the opportunity to do so, free and clear of all encumbrances, indeed.

So we tell you this to affirm now is the time to strike, for you know not the exemplitude* of formidable characters about which we speak at this time, enabling circumstances before you to be cast aside in favor of other, more alternative ones. Do be careful to instill the Light within which all is possible, nothing less. At that time you will set yourself free and abundant courage will salvage the situation before you. Until that point in time, much cannot be done as all is occluded Within. This we say, profoundly influenced by the One Above, indeed.

* Exemplitude - I believe this attests to how much these characters exemplify the concept of formidable.


The Aftermath - A Disturbing Perspective
PTB Update June 16, 2024


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