How Many Wheels Does a Jeep Have?


[I'm including this message as it demonstrates the subtle potentials that lie in the choices we make. This is the story: I had set up an appointment to get wheels and larger tires for my jeep. Initially I opted for 4 wheels and tires rather than 5 as I already had a spare, albeit a smaller size, and that choice would save me about $1,700. I sincerely thought I'd never have to use the spare anyway as I was yet to do so. Some days later I noticed I was uneasy about all of this and thought about the dis-service I was doing to my vehicle, mixing tire sizes like that, so I put in a call to go from 4 to 5 wheels and tires. This is where my guides commented.]

So we see you have abruptly changed all in light of the situation given to you and we say this was well done indeed. The situation warranted more thought on your part and the essence was discovered faulty and rectified. This was a conclusion rendered by you and you alone and done in a way that this was seen operable once more. So we say well done on this account for there were instances involved in this decision that would have made things difficult at some point in future days. So we say to you, on account of this, things move forward again for you as discoveries made of this nature fool no one but one's self when made.

[You're speaking of going from 4 to 5 wheels and tires on the jeep?]

Yes, this is it. The decision made was faulty and rectified in due time.

[This was a big lesson in a small package. I will not forget it.]

This is good as it should not be forgotten. There are times when situations call for instances of sobriety, when those commodities are scarce and time is fraught with dangers of insincerity. But we see this as an apt example of forgetting what is important and right in the wake of decisions made without consideration of the aftermath. As this was done it sat most unwell with you and you felt it and decided to act. This is how it's done. Feel it. How does it feel to you? These things are there for a reason and we say the reason is reason enough to continue with their use.


Staying Clear
Enough is Enough


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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