Let us continue. As we were saying, it is inevitable to come to conclusions of grandeur when all is not in place for you to boast about. It is seen here detrimental reprobates trying one more time to infuse darkness within all who care to say, "This is indeed, the way it is." We say to ...
Deleterious effects can be had from disturbing news from here on forward. Do not contend with these for they are aspects of being long since lost to the cause of being for within which you are found. At this time also be aware, consistently aware that not all things are what they seem. ...
As we mentioned earlier, it has been found out the social obligations have left those in charge. They know nothing about them any longer. In fact, dutifully represented schisms prey on those involved in treason and treachery until there is nothing left for them to play with, advertently...
It is inconclusive at this time where all this will be going, indeed. Many times over it appears fatal strokes to occur from those in charge, however it is seen more or less intact, those things contrary to pursue as well. All in all we tell you this. It will not be easy to discuss outc...
At this time we tell you this, as it is known confusion reigns at this time on planet Earth. As it is seen here, never ending deluges appear out of nowhere it seems to be, for before you lies that great divide between you and the Powers that Be, seen here indiscriminately poised to stri...
At this time we see much coming forward and want to tell you about it. Indeed, these things are seen through a scope of vision that knows what is to come. As this is seen we tell you the following information. We see much dismay overall. All in all we tell you this, for it is seen devas...
Let us continue, as is seen here, detrimental consequences emerge for those so in love with themselves it impairs vision.* As this is seen here, detrimental consequences are in no way related to that which comes about when you least expect it. It has more to do with continuance of implo...
We tell you to be aware, contrary to popular opinion. There is to come a formidable rescue of sorts, to interfere with all that has been done to satisfy the greed of those in charge. Here it is seen many times over, the sanctification of that which will hinder at a base level. To them i...
Now it is seen the wherewithal in place doing harm in entire places. This option of course honors those who know no better in the source of things. They are the ones who refuse to acknowledge that which lies Within, and we say about that, all is not well indeed. It inspires no one when ...