"Foreswear allegiance with Self. It is the only way."
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PTB UPDATE - June 7, 2024: Financial Concerns

PTB UPDATE - June 7, 2024: Financial Concerns

Deleterious effects can be had from disturbing news from here on forward. Do not contend with these for they are aspects of being long since lost to the cause of being for within which you are found. At this time also be aware, consistently aware that not all things are what they seem. This is simply not true to you because all is being taken apart to instill a new background by which all can operate. This will not fare well in the long run, but for now they wish it to occur and so will be honored with the demise approaching shortly in the future days of their existence.

We tell you now, at this time, to beware of all things financial for they will pull the plug on many institutions during the time periods coming up shortly. To do this requires effort of a different kind. To presuppose damage rendered hither does not matter much in the scheme of things. It is apparent to us much will forgo its cause when this occurs, and stability will be lost indeed. We say this also as much about them refutes any cognizance against what they are doing, and they refute the access gained through alternative media throughout this resolution of action betrayed by them all, here and above the course of duty responded to, seen here. At long last these reprobates will have found a solution to the means by which they care to stifle an organization full of heed for that which runs them. They will be taken down, one by one until none stand the test of time for which they had been designated.

At this time also be well aware of conditional responses had and utilized by those in charge for they do not know nor understand the makeup of future generations of financial institutions well enough to ambiguate them. So we tell you this in fact to see to it you understand that which is about to further ensnare a population at its feet, and we tell you this also as it is necessary to understand this is to all come as planned. Nothing has been omitted it is seen here.

Today is another day and tomorrow is as well. Take care to honestly appraise conditions to avoid the downfalls planned into humanity proper, so you can survive another day without so much concern over that which does not count for an expression of goodness placed about them. Indeed this will fail as will all of them in their grasp at this time.

Disrupters of the Peace
Dispelling Myths - Moving Forward

Comments 1

Guest - Deb on Friday, 28 June 2024 15:32

Thank you for bringing this forward Edward.

Thank you for bringing this forward Edward.
Sunday, 09 March 2025