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Social Dogma


youtubeIt seems that to be a part of what is called social eloquence, it is necessary to subscribe to utterances made before those who wish to know the truth about matters which interest them. It is said before this can be done effectively it must be known the subject within which it is assumed must be brought forth. In these days it is seen the preposterousness of such claims to knowledge held within spheres of activity that lie in the realms of made up desires and held within the psyche for preponderances in lifestyles run amok for others to ponder as well.

Inferences made to accommodate those who know no better can be found anywhere, not just in online chat places where all succumb to the antics of one who professes to know better than another. These systems were deployed long ago when people gathered around others to listen, first hand, at that which was being purported as the situation at hand, the current situation of the day. In this way, others would hear first hand, the doctrines presupposed to include methods of operation within which it was favorable to operate from. And we say it is no different now than it was then, including those captivated by the spewing forth of jargon and garbage that few were left behind in this course of action besought on humanity in the course of its existence.

In these times we find those who are assumed to know better. And it is seen with these people they see no more clearly than an ox with sheep folds incurring their grazing habits on one another. These things inhibit critical thinking and imbue the masses in situations whereby they make choices on what they are told rather than what would serve them well, now and in the future. When these kinds of things unfold in the universe it is seen the results tangled in a web of mistrust for others who do not follow the requisite mode of thinking and in this pain is engendered on those who don't succumb to the latest in fashion ideals and such.

Inasmuch as we would care to refute the consequences of all this, it is seen they are many and often of the kind that would demean those who do not keep up with the latest trends, forced on those by those who know no better, for within these constructs lie brethren succumbed to the madness of 'likeness' and they assume others who are not 'like' them betray their cause and functionality. It is presumed wholeheartedly that there is only one cause and that is the right one to follow.

This absurdity is prevalent and rampant among humans who know no better than to subject others to their iron fist approach to being, and it is said when this occurs there is not much to be had in invigorating other aspects of being and innovation. These times are prevalent with those who propose expert calculations on fathoming out what is next on the scene to preoccupy one's self with and it is also seen the total lack of free thinking that all this bequeaths in its aftermath.

So we say to you, know what you want and focus on that. There is no cause for you to be stricken with the precepts of others when it comes to routing out what is favorable for you in life's vast treasury of experiences. These adherences to dogma spewed from those who know little to nothing about which they speak is testament to the foundations of a society where no one knows what they really want to do. In this effect it is seen the demoralization that occurs in its wake and the aftermath borne of scrutiny and adherence to the dogma placed before you.

It is time to wake up and understand yourself more than what is seen in fleeting, captivating instances of being under the radar of scrutiny by others. It is time to develop beyond those measures and means of being that degrade the being in the process. Take your reins and pull them forward, into your being and discover for yourself what it means and what it is like to be sovereign unto yourself and yourself alone. It is time for everyone to pull their heads out of the sands of time and develop themselves into the icons of individuality they were meant for long ago.

The Easy Way Out


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Sunday, 09 March 2025