"There are no wrong choices, only those that do not fit the playbill you are holding."
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The Easy Way Out


youtubeThere is much to discuss in terms of what is right in front of you at this time. We say this as a matter of fact for we know before all is said and done there will be no forward motion for those left besides themselves in the aftermath of what be known as world collapse. In and of the matters we see the toll taken on the part of those who forgo their rights and concerns in favor of that which is easiest to benefit from and in these measures it is seen the results of that spread far and wide among the people.

Here we have those who know no better, follow the rules and comply with that which is given, and we say wait until this is over and then you will see the far reaching effects of those involved in supporting a system, so abusive in its nature, it will be hard to comprehend what has happened. So we say now and to the point, when it matters, and it will, what choices will you make for yourself and others close by? Do you see yourself as free to express or do you prefer the locked-up variety of being, where all is given to you at a price you may not wish to pay?

We say this as it is important to consider the ramifications of said choices at this time - inevitably controlled options - given to you to ascertain your position within a structure so putrid with filth it would annoy anyone to partake of living there.

Social Dogma


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Sunday, 09 March 2025