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The Fall of the Powers that Be

The Fall of the Powers that Be

It is apparent to us you are in condition for what is to come. In as much as this is said at this time it is seen also the demise of those systems to keep you afloat as it were, to determine your course of action in the future days to come. So this is said to you now that we have you here with us again. Certainly, it seems often enough that we are surrounded with those precepts of time to induce all kinds of circumstances upon you, yet it is seen also the demise of systems put in place long ago to accommodate those in charge.

Here is where all must change. There is no indication to us at this time - that when all is said and done there will be things left for you to determine your own fate. On the contrary - we see only that left in remnants of a civilization gone astray - after the culmination of everything about it has led to its downfall. Now and to the point, we see that which in our minds makes an incredible difference to how all this is manifested for you and everyone else. So it is said at this time we see nothing more than attempt after attempt to fashion again, a system detrimental in its substance to accommodate those who hold the last strings of attachment to a system, so blind with arrogance it meets no one well.

Now we say this also, as what is to occur will boggle many minds in the process of becoming a great nuisance on becoming systematically employed in the outcome of it all - monitors set up without consideration of any and everything - to detect the slightest movement off base of those involved. It is here we must be tempted to stop, as all lets loose from here until that time when all has seen enough and the cards are put back on the table to allow another draw. Lest it be said otherwise, we do not consider this apropos either, yet it is definitely superior to adjunct situations based on past actions to securely claim the rights of passage to all involved.

Let us say this also, it is not without regret these things come to pass as all is leveraged in ways not to our liking. Here we find many scrambling for options to continue their reign at any cost and it empowers them little at the time to do so. All in all this is seen as treachery, continued on a basis of disregard for the status quo as all led to the demise of a system with abuse like this have no warrant to participate otherwise. These are the ones, secure enough in their own understanding of how things work, who take on added responsibilities to ensure the system never dies and this we see as fallacy for sure.

Be it as you will, you will see for yourselves the nature of this travesty soon enough as all crumbles and slips through the fingers of those so designated as bastions of glory gone bad. Here and here alone are tyrants of the day given their last chance to survive with no acquittal on the other side. It is here also they will die of self abuse, given to themselves from misused powers of glorified indemnity to crime and sanctions held against the people. It is here they will face their final hours when the time comes to do so.


The Powers that Be - Update 3-26-22
Time is of the Essence


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Sunday, 09 March 2025