"Behold, within each of us lies a power so great it is seldom realized by those who seek it."
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With this we will say to you now is the time when all things come to fruition. Inasmuch as we have said this before, now is the time when these things come to bear their sanctions for one and all. We would like you to know, in these times also it behooves you to behave with sincere quietude and simplicity of manner for when the going gets rough, and it will, these things tend to bolster the means of survival at this time.

There are many thing occurring which cannot be said at this point but we assure you that when the time is right there will be no recourse offered to those who insist on their way to see them through. In these times as well, when all is said and done there are those who insist the longer route is more relevant and we say this is not the case and insist this is, in fact, an error in thinking on their part.

All in all, these times are beset in dangerous activities and we assure you the way out is seen for ones to do, yet many will not avail themselves to it.


The Mission of the Brethren


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Monday, 10 March 2025