"In the realms of darkness light prevails only when allowed to do so. It will not come on its own, it must be invited, nurtured and seen in all its glory. Invite it and see."
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The Future of Complacency & Aquiescence


[This message references a future accounting of those who forgo their own sovereignty in favor of acquiescence to those they imagine have authority over them - The Powers that Be.]

It is time to discuss the aftermath in somewhat more detail than what has been supplied earlier. As we continue forward on this subject, know you are to do your best to include this elsewhere as well.

The outlook is indeed bleak as we see it, for all about you has succumbed one more time, to treasonous behaviors which keep men captive for centuries on end. These things succumbed to here are effortless testimonies to bring all under control once again. As this is seen here, we warn you to take hold of yourself and ask one more time, "What is it I want from all this?"

Indeed, it is seen here many want fame and fortune to grace their doorways. Here however, a different scenario is possible, for with this comes the opportunity to emerge, wholeheartedly, into an arena of being not yet possible in the realm of man. At this time we see many adhere to the nonsense put forth to them in the arena of being for them to chew on, while all else falls apart in their sight. At this time however it is seen clearly, the opportunity presents itself clearly to undo the bindings of past behaviors, and into an arena of darkness not yet witnessed on your planet.

It is apparent to us that to participate in this arena forecludes all goodness about it, and takes you on a journey so wretched, it will impair all thinking about it. To that end we speak of this at this time, to inform you of the aftermath awaiting all who decide it is of their preference to do so. After all, these things are put into play to decide who will go, and who will come, not otherwise. We inform you of this also, due to the fact that laziness will get you nowhere. In and of itself there is nothing to do really, and of this mindset lies treachery at its roots. Do not deter the well being of yourself into an arena of darkness based on lack of thought about it. Take your best shot with what you have going for you, and move from there.

Do not deter any adversary from striking his blow and in this way secure for yourself the 'advantage' of being taken care of for existence immemorial. That is to say, enter not into the kingdom put before you at this time, and venture forward in lands and arenas of darkness not suited to anyone alive at this point in time. We reference this often, to bring before you the nature of squalor and disbelief surmounting all trepidation about it, clearly. And we tell you this too, to confirm that choices made during this time affect you greatly in the interim and the aftermath of all seen and done, for and by you.

Take to heart what is heard here today and act accordingly, for your benefit...or not. Do not detain any aspect of being from speaking its piece about this to you at this time and in this way make your decision, moving forward into a new arena of being for yourself and others alike, for temptation strikes tall and effortless in the days to come, asking you to succumb to its treachery, within which you perish every day...for the rest of your lives.

The Aftermath - Exercises in Futility
As Chaos Resumes


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Sunday, 09 March 2025