"Those who infuse within themselves the light of God will know no travail in the days to come."
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Standing Tall

Standing Tall

youtubeWith this statement we will refine our words clearly so it is understood, without a shadow of a doubt, what is meant by this. So we say, and here's the rub, do not ever consider yourself small again, ever. This will loosen all work done faster than anything else and not only that, it isn't true. There is no truth to it at all. It's just something those in power thought would be a good idea to do to keep you under control and we say it has worked quite well, indeed. However, who suffers in the process? We assure you they do not.

It is seen far and wide the ramifications of this statement in that all those who succumb to those non-truths about themselves often wonder what happened to them. They have no idea the part they played in bringing themselves the outcome that they did. In and of this, it is seen the wherewithal involved in doing this and it is no different than what it takes to bring something else into view, perhaps a more positive rendering of life's many joys. And so we say to you, yes you who is here writing as we speak, do not ever consider yourself in any small capacity ever again. It is useless to do so and squanders that which can be used to assist others at the same time.

Go with the knowledge that all this is lies, lies made up and demonstrated to a populace to keep you under lock and key control. The last thing they need is someone who can think for themselves and stand securely on that. So we say, go now, and incorporate this into the being at large. Never let it out again. Then let it grow and nurture it carefully until that time when nothing is needed to keep it alive and relevant in your life.


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Sunday, 09 March 2025