Events on the Horizon

Events on the Horizon

youtubeWe have known for some time now the effects we see happening in events around the globe. These events are treacherous in nature, not to be confused with the likes that have been seen up to date. These events, unlike others, will take you by surprise, big time. Events like this are all encompassing. That is to say they will affect everyone, in this way harming many and leaving few without scars of one sort or another. So with this said, be prepared for an onslaught of events, geared in fact to succumb those in power to the feet of all Evil, and in this way capture what has long been sought after in the realm of man. Without fear, they will trespass on that which is sacred and stomp out that which is not to their liking and in this way march forward with a craziness and lunacy unmatched to date in time.

We see this as a matter of fact in as much as we care to disclose it. But, in fact, these measures to discredit those in power are subterfuged by others of a higher sort. These measures entail much in the way of sanctions elite, which in fact, infuse their glory upon those who follow them. In this light, those who follow are often the last ones to be heard, so in consequence go unnoticed by many who would take things for granted. In no uncertain terms will this be allowed to vanish, as we say, for it will mark the beginning of a new epoch of civilization, the renderings of which will shake the boots off the One Above. And we see this clearly in fact, for in doing so all comes before us and in this way we see what avails those who follow and those who do not.

Do not discriminate in the facts presented for they will incur the greatness upon which they were given and in this way it is seen how all evolve from here. Within this fact so many die it is not funny, but it seems preposterous this is so. We tell you it is not, by a long shot. There is much to come, there is much to be seen and in the course of man. This is but a smattering of that which will enveolp the senses of all who come close to knowing about all of it. And we say, intuitively spoken words about it are accurate, to say the least, and we leave you now with this to fret about a little, to think about a lot and in this way take yourself to those places where none of the things matter much [within Self]. And we know that is where we will find you.

Find Out What You Are
Standing Tall


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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