We say to you at this time, inevitably all will come to order. It is seen now and Above, those things contingent on human suffering will indeed, blow away with the wind when all is said and done. At the outset here we inform you of this to demonstrate the knowledge of Above, and forthri...
183 Hits
At this time it is seen well into the accolades of time, that which will count for the evolution of a species. In fact, you all know by this time that to refute such a cause is erroneous indeed. We have seen this all come about for we know, intrinsically speaking, that for which it is d...
294 Hits
What if all that befell you was in error? What would you do? Regardless, it is not yours, it is someone else's. How to feel, above board? So we say to you be careful, you do not know what is before you. All in all, complacency rises and you will be without. Above all, be forewarned, inasmuch ...
897 Hits