"Believe the thoughts of a man stricken with an illness of contempt and you will do no better."



  It is an incredible time for all involved and we see all it has taken to arrive at this point. When the tides turn, and they will, the days will come when we revel in what is seen on planet Earth, for th...

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The Takeover of Humanity

The Takeover of Humanity

[Am I understanding this correctly? The universe is benevolent. What has befallen humanity has been a takeover in the sense that mankind has been subjected to the notion of duality, accepted it and eventually f...

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Moving Forward


There is little truth to be seen in the affairs of men at this time. No one knows how to effectively deal with what is given to them without making up a story or two all about it to enable themselves to deal more effectively with the problem at hand presented to them. This is about to change, for wh...

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When Darkness Comes to Light


[During the past months I've been pursued by a darkness in many guises which I was finally compelled to look at, rather than run from, and that meeting shook me to the core of my being. It still...

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