"We are noticing that which will bring you forward is an aspect of that which will hold you back. These things are all aspects of each other and known for their effects singularly shown in each instance. The beautiful part about it all is that none of it matters but that which you choose."

Man - The Refugees of Light


At this time we reference again that which counts in the scheme of things.* It is no accident this is purged from the memory of mankind. It was seen from the beginning just how this was to take ...

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The Keys to Good Choices

The Keys to Good Choices

When all is said and done, within these words are keys to survival for most, in that when we say, "We see this," we mean this is what is seen at the time. Timelines change, they are mutable. So we say this to y...

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The Origin of Humanity's Slavery

When all is said and done we would like to say, watch these things for they bear testament to the all-inclusiveness we speak about so often. There is in the making that which will adhere to sanctions put forth ...

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