"Where you find joy your experience flourishes, for without it all perishes in due time."
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To Those Who Care Less


At this time it is seen well into the accolades of time, that which will count for the evolution of a species. In fact, you all know by this time that to refute such a cause is erroneous indeed. We have seen this all come about for we know, intrinsically speaking, that for which it is designated to occur. At this time also we reference that, for beneath you all stands That Which Counts for all goodness and upon which the Universe rests, supremely anchored into its existence beyond any comprehension of itself, long given Above. At this time also we enforce the occupation of being content within Self, for here you will locate all that is worthy of holding close at hand.

As this is said we recognize those among you who care not understand these words given here and we reference that now, as all who come away with understanding will fail at the predisposed allegations of being being presented now by those in charge, of all who care not respond to situations by which they are all convoluted upon each other.

Humanity is not here to placate a whimsical desire, lent here in the universe to destroy itself. On the contrary, man was put here to usurp the prospects of being at one with that which is inevitably seen from Within. At this time especially we reference that, for today marks the day when all this is made clear to those of you about which need little when the days are ripe with misinformation all about them. We say, heed here, for beneath you lie the stakes of a lifetime, waiting to merge Within. At no time is this any different than has been seen before.  You are dutifully called to heed to task about you, and condemn those forces of darkness representing life here on Earth.

It is silly to think that in essence, this could be true at all, yet look at yourselves and ask the question by which all will come to respond. What is it you are doing to reinforce your being, your existence within which you prosper, when all is out of alignment in front of you? What do you do in these situations, for it is seen many do nothing indeed. Many of them cite casework, intrinsically explaining reason to the cause seen imploding right in front of them. This remains awkward at best, for who do you disclose upon recognition that this was all meritless in its appearance and existence? It must take discrimination to access these points in time where all is set against you, point blank. We see many exposing themselves Within to That Which Counts. However too, there are many others who care less for discriminating tactics that render strength and beauty to their existence.

We reference now those folks who care less about it all and say to them, time will tell of all things considered. It is not here and now you are working toward as much as tomorrow and the day after. Here we see you pertaining to self indulgence without qualification for doing so. Inevitably all will begin to crumble and you will be left with nothing that counts, certainly in the scheme of things. We ask you to continue along these lines only as convinced by yourself that this is proper and well conceived by the Inner Sanctum of Being. Here all references wealth and splendor of being, all referenced into one. When these things come together we honor that Within. When it is not seen we have other things to say, yet too this is honored as well, for all must be allowed during this time and space.

And we say to you as well, think carefully about choices made at this time. They are inevitably made complete by sanctions imposed on all. This is seen here clearly. Do not do anything against your will, however too, do be concerned for what is done, period. It will allow you freedom in the future days when played with the right hand of cards at this moment in time.

Recognizing the Spirit Within


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Sunday, 09 March 2025