"The mind has nothing good to gain when set against the will of the Creator."
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The Aftermath - The Seduction into the New System

The Aftermath - The Seduction into the New System

At this time we regret to discuss the outcome of all things seen, as it is looked upon by others of your kind. Here are the facts. As all know it, to be denied are all precepts of kindred news, stating in fact these things [global collapse] were pre-planned, indeed. Also seen are their news reports telling all the travail is dismounted by those in charge, who determine the cause forensically involved with nature and her outcomes. As we say this it is informed to us, by chance occurrences will one know the abstract science involved in the demise, for it is seen here dutifully scripted news accounting for all placed in your view.

With that done we say, watch out, to avoid consternation from those who care to feed mistrust and anti-comrad slogans to those in harm's way. At the outset we tell you point blank, do not disturb the peace Within, for it will be tested in this circumstance where all is played backwards, and without a doubt, sectioned off into a few particles of itself before being brought to the awareness of those others who know not well of the situation at hand.

Many will be played into existence extraordinaire when told about sanctions to relieve all doubts. Here you will find those who care not for any favorites as long as their needs are subjugated to at this time in particular. Be it known to take heed, all the way home, for it will not be long before all is set and dried, and we say that, intuitively knowing in fact, that all given is a pretext of the whole. In retrospect it seems obvious, but now it endeavors to capture safety and sanctity where it lives not. The intentions are to grab and disturb once more, those who care not for their own caretaking. Here it is, seen detrimental indeed.

So we tell you this to confirm Within, the structures needed to forgo these situations and maintain a status quo that suits you and others of like kind. Do not distribute your faith to others who care not for what is seen. Give them nothing to go on and you will be seen to be OK. At the start there will be little to go on. As you move along things come into focus, and allow new building material to start taking shape. It is here you must dwell.

So we say this to you now at this time in anticipation of what is to come. It is here we will leave you at this time.

Reports from the Aftermath (of World Collapse)


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Sunday, 09 March 2025