Know Thyself
At this time many things are about to go wrong. In and of that, we witness those things taking a toll on others for they are unable to comprehend what has occurred. As we move through this trial and tribulation let us tell you, among all things discussed here that has value lies Within, within us all.
It is seen here a myriad of activity to bring about results that never can be had, for those who have done thisThe Powers that Bewill not allow anything to come from it. It is imperative to be had in such a way as to induce support among yourself, and let that be testament to your acquittal from the Powers that Be.
In and of this also, we reference those times when all [folks] afoot know no different than [to] suppose all is well without cause, and we say that also causes grief stricken situations throughout the lands. It is important to understand you are doing this to yourself when not confronted Within, [with] that which is possible. You will be relinquished to those who don't care at the final hour of retreat, to discuss those reasons for forfeiting expenditures inward. And this we tell you is not pleasant. On one hand you are derelict of all responsibility inward while thinking all the while there is nowhere to go in which improvement shines.
We've said this before, and you know as it stands this is the truth of the situation at last. There is no heading forward with those who have no aptitude to do so. It is a flagrant mission and so, impossible to discuss. It will seem impossible at the slightest occurrence of ineptitude on their part, and we say that again as all will crumble behind them as well as in front when all is not aligned Within. We see that clearly.
"Know thyself," that is what the scriptures say. It is evident the truth of the matter sways few. However, there is always room for another, and this merits wisely all consideration placed behind you to exhibit free will of choice, within which you can function with prevalence and ambiguity combined. It is here you must dwell to convince us of sincerity on your part, and this is seen past all exclusions forward.
It is seen at long last, fortitude in the making to bring such forward, and we tell you to do so marks an individual within which all things shine. There is no temperance about it. It is formulated in the eyes of God who distinctly wishes all to come forward and greet him head on.
To do this marks enticement of great splendor and glory combined, and to do this also marks subterfuge on a grand level - [namely] - to dispense with common being and surprise - to being entered into lofty height, betrothen to those who act accordingly. It is here you are sanctioned to be who you are, nowhere else, and that includes you.
We say this constantly, to be aware of yourself within all things. It matters much in the scheme of things. This is for sure.