"It’s not about who you are or who you think you are. It’s about who you really are. Focus on that."
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Toxic Times


youtubeThere is much to be desired in the realms of man inasmuch as we've seen the best and worst - both sides of existence - and know for a fact these things dissuade many from doing the right thing for themselves and others. It is not without doubt that much must occur to shake man to his senses so that he may resume his role in the universe without harm and without question.

Now it is seen the tragic results incurred by those with like mind that infuse all sorts of toxins into the body in the name of health and well being whereby no one knows for sure the contents of such things. It is without doubt that all this is synonymous with treachery and likewise deals in the Dark Arts so totally that one may be certain only of the effects that outlive the usefulness of the substance itself. These times require acute listening and watching with care for in and of itself there is much to be found out if only the time necessary to do so would be incurred.

We say this to you, watch out, be careful for you know not who you are dealing with here. It is not without great effort that all this has come to pass for you all and in that it is seen how badly all want this over with. But we say to you now is not the time to consider the repercussions of toxins gone very bad indeed. It is time however, for you to consider yourselves part of an enterprise composed to pull yourselves out of the muck and mire you have immersed yourselves in for eons of time. Isn't it time to say, "We have had enough!" or do you consider many more centuries of abuse a viable solution?

These are things to think about for it is not for us to tell you what you must or must not do. That is up to you. However, if you want to make a difference, a positive one for all to cherish and rejoice about, then now is the time to do that. We say this is not hard to do, it is a simple matter of setting your intent and then watch the magic happen. You know not who you are in all your glory. In and of this we say you have forgotten much in the aftermath of a situation long past on the planetary arena. It is time to remember all that is about you is none other than yourself in every aspect of existence. It is there for the taking and we assure you, if and when you do, the remorse will die at your feet along with self doubt and everything else. Let it be known that during these times there is no room for any of that if you are to move ahead successfully and master the enterprise of planet Earth.


Vaccine Subterfuge
On the Precipice


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Sunday, 09 March 2025