"Do not discourage any aspect of being for it is here all traps are set."
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On the Precipice

On the Precipice

youtubeWe see how much has occurred recently in the development of systems designed to entrap the soul of humanity even more than has already occurred. It is not safe, these days, to continue to put forth the ideas that carry messages of freedom and the like for it is seen the ramifications of that with all media soaked policies of refusals to publish that which denies the 'truth at hand.' In and of this we know the precipice within which man presently stands and we say it is inevitable for its crossing at some time or another. In this way the preponderance of that which man values will be clearly seen and from this man creates the future for himself and more.

We say to you at this time, stop! Stop and consider what you are doing to further ensnare a population or move it forward on its own. Which side is it? There is only one that can be chosen so it behooves those with eyes to see that which will move one forward as opposed to back in time where all that befell humanity was a series of crises designed to envelop him into his demise. And here we stand again, at the same precipice, more or less, and it is seen the wherewithal needed at this time to ensue those things necessary to heal all within and bring forward the best that mankind has to offer.

In these times however, it is seen the propensity of that which will take man down once again and of this it is seen the means by which it is destined to occur if man does not come to his senses soon enough. So we say to you watch these times carefully for you are carving out future events for yourself and others as these days march forward. It is in your best interest to continue with the task at hand and develop yourselves with skill and the propensity for knowledge gained from within as opposed to from those who know no better and have not your best interests at heart.

So we say once again, do what you will, but know in doing that you are forming the backdrop of existence for those who come after you, and in this way keep in mind the harbingers of fate who are now at your door to show you what must be done to include all within your sphere of existence in those things to benefit all involved in your worldly affairs.


Toxic Times


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Sunday, 09 March 2025