"In the realms of darkness light prevails only when allowed to do so. It will not come on its own, it must be invited, nurtured and seen in all its glory. Invite it and see."
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Careful Consideration

Careful Consideration

At this time we would like to discuss the aftermath with you, and bring forward considerations to bring others in line with what is seen as being done. As this is the case, there are no aftermath situations before you to discuss more fervently than the one seen here and now, brought forward by those in charge. Here we see much gone awry with all things considered. In the aftermath of all things considered there are only two that count really, to allow a sense of freedom to prevail. At the outset it is imperative to stand tall in the middle of all seen before you, as this is the definitive feature that sets you apart from the rest, assuredly so.

As this is the case we inform further another consideration being brought forth here, and that one is of consideration of moving forward - to wit, how is this done at the onset as all is moved and shuffled before you. To date we see no prospects in front of this consideration, and let you know to do so is magnanimous at best to consider. The wherewithal is firmly in place for this activity to commence so it is actually easy to do, given the situation at hand.

It is here you want to dwell actually as all moves before you. Take into consideration, the long lost motives of anger, jealousy and the like will be far fetched examples shown to you frequently during these days ahead. Allow them to surface as they do, for they belong out in the open, where all can see and witness the designated states of being inflicted on others at this time, in the course of resurrection gone haywire.

This too is a precept of old surfacing for a time to do you all in, as it were, when not taken care of and scrutinized before applying to others of like kind. Here we witness many participating in this venture of sorts, left to their own devices of fury and violence to distinguish them from the midst of any sanity about them. We must pronounce about the distinguishing characteristic of malfeasance affecting them badly during the days ahead, sufficiently so to disturb the peace of any individual caught in their midst.

This we tell you point blank - distinguish yourself properly in the days ahead. You are not here to boast concern over any cause that does not warrant consideration or caring. So we warn you to distinguish yourself properly, with all care and consideration intact, for you are not aware of the situation at hand to distinguish others in their own way, indeed.

Let us tell you this also, consideration is given to all of you to continue forward on solid ground. It is up to you to follow this course and not let it escape you at a time when it is seen much ado about nothing worthy of consideration. So we tell you this in fact, to advent the situation forward for you during these days ahead. Likely too are precepts involved to distinguish between you the care and consideration that is due to all. Careful consideration that is, minded by those who are not in charge of anything in particular, just rooted in the comradery of being issued forth during the days ahead. Likely too are those considerations of glory lent forward during these days as well, for you know not at this time how these considerations will affect those so in charge of the smaller things that count for much in the system.

Lastly too, enforce within yourself the concept of beauty and intrepid behavior while coming to terms with all that has occurred. This will bring you the best results. We see that clearly.

The Imperative Journey
Scenes from the Aftermath


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Sunday, 09 March 2025