"Power is a glorious commodity, but misused, a treacherous foe."
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So we say now is the time to continue your journey. With all this in mind it is seen the effects brought about by the structure of consciousness at this time. Consciousness knows no bounds - there are none for consciousness. It behooves anyone interested in it to verify this for themselves. Where is consciousness not? We say it is not possible to determine this for everywhere gone it seems consciousness has already arrived, and so it is.

With this in mind it behooves you to continue forward, steeped in the awareness that this must be so. There are no contenders otherwise and we know, wholeheartedly, this is a fact. The acts of Creator are substantial in their effects and here we have no exception. Take for example a rock or a tree. What have they? What sense is attributed to them? You know not as all involved about them lacks this information. But in the realm of conscious behaviors it is a fact that the tree sits upon the Earth and there, stands in its territory. This is above and beyond any thinking about it. So the tree says to itself, "Where am I?" and settles itself with that. Any wondering the tree has about itself is squelched in the process of its own wondering.

This we see in humans as well for when they wonder who they really are all begins to fall apart and in this way doors open for them to wander through and see what the story is there. When one has had enough another door opens and likewise, so on and so forth. So it behooves you to consider the ramifications of your wondering in the attempt to place yourself in view of that conscious light that knows more than all put together. It behooves you to consider this and apply it to your life in the attempt to consider all forms a reflection of consciousness.

These days it is seen there is much talk about this but little is done to actualize the experience and here lie the roots to the problem at hand, for when we see myriads of people venturing forth on endeavors they know nothing about many seem lost and latch onto experiences of others to validate their own. Consciousness does not operate like this and the challenge to endure within new frameworks often fails in some way when others tell of how it is within that framework. In this process you sell yourself short of experience, itself, and trade that in for a half baked version comprised by another you know nothing about.

So we say, optimally, invigorate yourself with the qualities necessary to see new things through and in this way you can make sense of your situation in a way that will help and support others in their endeavors as well. It behooves all to consider this method of being for within it lie tenets grounded in success that will see you through in any tough situation presented to you.

On the Precipice
New Beginnings


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Sunday, 09 March 2025