"Let all things pass through. Hold nothing."
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New Beginnings


We say to you at this time, inevitably all will come to order. It is seen now and Above, those things contingent on human suffering will indeed, blow away with the wind when all is said and done. At the outset here we inform you of this to demonstrate the knowledge of Above, and forthrightly relinquish that at this time.

You do not know for yourself the efforts involved in such a task. We however, see it clearly. It must have been long ago when all this was enacted for it is seen here 'enacted with trepidation,' because all around them said unfortunately, "This will not work." *

It is seen now that it has, and we tell you this informing of all situations to emerge on behalf of those so involved in designating what belongs and what is not welcome here in the sphere of things.

Let us request one thing of you. Be concerned for the outlook of all in front of you at this time, for it resonates quite ill at ease in the moment. To discuss this further is not appropriate as we see it, yet you must know of this as all will come to a halt soon enough in time.

When it does be ready for an apocalypse of cataclysmic sorts to strike without concern for others of your kind. It is here you must dwell for a moment at least, and come to your senses about all of it. It is not yours to tamper with in and of itself. It has its own lifetime within which it will seem impossible to grasp. This unfortunately is true. You must know of this before all is said and done to make use of its departure before its too late. Many will perish. Many will stay behind and we warn you, to continue forward requires effort to be grounded in Self esteem and virtue by which you can proclaim once again, your relationship with all around you. Contingencies do not matter as it is seen 'dutiful replies only' count.

Seen here also are those who know no different and continue to make errors along the way, and subdue nothing to the satisfaction of that which is needing doing at the time. We say this to enforce the background necessary to bring this to a close favorably, and that will be done with many involved.

Now you know, in advance, the nature of that worth living for and that is located within all folks, indeed.

* To clarify, I believe this paragraph refers to ancient discussions that were had about enacting what is known as, 'The Human Experiment'. Spirit goes on to say it was enacted - but with trepidation - as it was thought the experiment would not work.

Allow All to Come Forward
Intrinsic Advice

Comments 1

Guest - Deb on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 15:30

Oh my goodness, this is so accurate, as well as "The Human Experiment." Thank you Edward.

Oh my goodness, this is so accurate, as well as "The Human Experiment." Thank you Edward.
Sunday, 09 March 2025