"When thinking about yourself consider yourself as the One above all."
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Intrinsic Advice


At this time we say to you indeed, let us come forward with intrinsic advice to help you through what is going to occur at a later date.* It is seen here above all, detrimental consequences for those who care not about anything worth caring about. These folks honor nothing, and it occurs to them seldom to consider this a fact, that all things are not identical, in the sense that some things surpass others in what we consider worth adapting to suit the needs of one's Self. Indeed, it is seen here detrimental consequences when all goes awry Within, and it is seen dutifully so, the expression of want emerge conspicuously so, when that indeed is fallen from its place within the scope of things.

 At this time especially, we foment those causes upon which all must act. And seen here are those whose thought process abhors declination in character - worth pursuing at this time. Directly responsible for this is arrogance of the heart, and this is seen far and wide as disposable income of sorts, not needed overall in the scheme of things. Honesty appalls them in and of itself, and often seen as a burden whereby all about them is exposed for delaying upon themselves the cost of life itself, burdened to a reality that has no cause about it.

In saying this we declare often enough, the situation whereby all this comes together is often overlooked in the eyes of the beholder. It is said also, these folks have animosity at their fingertips and no sense really about it all. We declare this fortified with stupidity as none can fathom the nature of that held Within. And [we] say to them, Stop the abuse of Self in such a manner! It hinders all kinds of expression moving forward and discounts progress at its feet. So we say to you at this time, behold what lies Within! The time to do so is now, not later, and we offer that knowing some may not care enough to compensate themselves with truthful measure. It is here we must digress as all about them takes heed rather poorly, and express it in animosity once again, to declare themselves of value when no such value exists - not in those terms anyway.

So we tell you, discuss this further with yourselves in an effort to gain understanding, whereby you can change your directive of being, and in this way procure results for yourself that matter. This is not an equanimous declaration of sorts. It has to do with those who know no better about themselves and take for granted all is well, when in fact, all is miserably wrong at the time of declaration to Self that all is OK.

We would rather not continue in this vein as many have seen through this disguise [of those] who render themselves optimal in performance at this time. We wish only to take heed those who have not discovered the benefits of being Self-inflicted with confidence approved by that within all things. It is here you will flourish as the time draws near for completion of what must be done [by those] who care enough to follow suit with a pledge of allegiance Within. Nothing more will suit all that is to come, indeed.

New Beginnings
The Great Floodings

Comments 1

Guest - Deb on Monday, 04 November 2024 19:03

Thank you Edward.

Thank you Edward.
Sunday, 09 March 2025