"Demonstrations of worthiness will prove to be failures in the inner realms."
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Allow All to Come Forward


It is seen clearly the avenue of approach that does wonders Within, and that is seen as the declaration that Within holds all aspects of being that you are, and none can be more promising nor abundant than another. This is the sheer honesty of the situation, for you were born and made in the eyes of that which has no bounds. Indeed then, how could you? Indeed, we see this as perplexing when viewed from the stance that all is not one thing. However, from another viewpoint where all is One, you say something different indeed.

It will pass inspection in this way, to view correctly what is seen here all along, and that states clearly and precisely that All is One indeed. No substitutes allowed. To enforce this Within stretches the imagination a bit into believing what is seen is not actually there. It is seen from afar and cannot justify what is seen from such a distance indeed.

On the other hand, when it is enforced Within that All is One, and in the effort to convince Self of that, much is left to be desired. So what of that? What do you do to consider yourself whole again? What is it you could do to antagonize the situation no longer?

It is abrupt to be sure, however this too functions in a way to distribute the peace evenly Within, and that is seen as justifiable reason to accommodate us here with this mention of the One Within. It is seen here unscrupulous behavior, He [the One Within] has no grounds to stand on. However, here you have one who belongs Within and operates from there uninhibited from the compunction that strikes externally.

We say to you this. Allow all to come forward, understanding along the way there may be things you don't like to see. This is inevitable, yet all part and parcel of that being Within as well. To this we salute all aspects of being moving forward, in and out of the way of each other to celebrate that which is housed Within, forever wanting further exploration of itself.

It is here all fine art emerges and here as well all detrimental consequences are laid for better or for worse. In all actuality we say to you to allow all to come forward, and witness for yourself the never ending plethora of creation housed Within - the existential aspect of yourself that you call God Himself, waiting indeed for the exploration to finish up, which it inevitably will some day. But until then, know for yourself it continues on with you in front, honoring what you do and what is seen from the forefront of all that is you, to complete what is known as The Cycle of Man within the framework laid out by the One Above.

Now it is time to relinquish our space here to alternative measures of being which will flourish in the interim of all things seen and disposed of, within the framework of that which is known as Creation itself, modified  a bit to your concern. But after that, let us assume all is well, profusely well during an opportune moment grabbed and seized by you to inhabit or bring forward what is desired within you, formatted by that which offers a lot in return for being recognized for its own worth Within, waiting for the response to continue on in ways unsuspecting.

The Aftermath - Renewal & Regeneration
New Beginnings

Comments 1

Guest - Deb on Saturday, 07 December 2024 15:42

When I read the phrase the "Cycle of Man," it seemed to activate a desire to follow up and explore this. Thank you Edward!

When I read the phrase the "Cycle of Man," it seemed to activate a desire to follow up and explore this. Thank you Edward!
Sunday, 09 March 2025