"Behold what is right in front of you. Look at it and know it is of Divine origin."
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Staying the Course

Staying the Course

There was a time once when you were doing what was necessary to succumb to those powers that be and enforce your position within, in effect to determine the nature of that which was seen during those days ahead. As we've said before, the start of this was provoked by that man [Marduk] of which was seen little to do but grovel and grumble at that which held him captive. So now we see the end results of that coming forth to greet all, now at this time. Little did they know at the time, an infusion would come and behold them in their power once again. Now is that time.

It is seen, long ago, those who would deny anything about that which is Above, and we see now is the time to rectify that, for it seems all in all, little can be done to alleviate discomfort when the time arrives to do what must be done to alleviate that which has enhanced the well being of only a few, and left others out to pasture so to speak, and allowed them the room to graze and be fit. Yet all will be seen in the eyes of regret and remorse at not having done essential things to bring them up and out of conditional slavery when the time is ripe for doing so.

In essence, we see this clearly. In fact, you do not know the nature of those so enforced with dislike for that which inhabits this region of the galaxy...so much so it incurs in them anger and frustration to manage so much fuss and forbearance. It is seen now and at this time, to do your best it is imperative to walk high and with all senses intact. It avails no one to disguise themselves in an effort to control the opposition. This will not do and is in complete opposition to that which is needed during these days of darkness fast approaching.

Do what needs to be done. Keep your head held high and know you are correct in the precepts of life and light that inhabit this planet. There is no time to dally when it comes to taking ground and establishing that which must be held and held high upon the shoulders of almighty man. As it were, those who knew indeed, the stakes for [that] which would occur, now is the time to strike and hold high that which matters in life, and all should know what that might be, exactly. Do not delay, time is short and to do this now alleviates all sorts of actions needed before all comes down upon you.

Take heed, not to mention fear and fright when all is not sought Within as has been instructed long ago. Do not delay. There are times afoot to deter any sensibility about you. It is here you must succumb or peril will ensue. Be sure of that.

Do Not Disturb the Peace Within
Miscreants of Humanity


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Friday, 07 March 2025