Miscreants of Humanity

MIscreants of Humanity

So it is seen now and then, the number of people involved in treachery increasing annually, as this is the trend we see. As this occurs, many more will endure the requisites to enable them to take part of that which knows no bounds in the insurrection that faces humanity during these last days on Earth. It is here many will find their way, to incorporate within their being those others who know no better as well. It is heard here and now, the sanctions implored upon by those who disregard, at all costs, the nature of that which they assume is free to transpose as they will. Here is the error of lifetimes implored to its greatest measure, in that to take the name of all that is holy and sanction that against the people is blasphemy in the highest degree.

We hold to those truths to come before us that sanction all others with precepts that endure time-bound contingencies of favoritism gone amok. And it is here we see many about to consider themselves free, to find among them nothing that will help in this endeavor. It is ours to tell of these folks, seen here as the minions that they are, sufficient to do the work entrusted to them. However, these are all stalwart procedures to endure in the likings of others as well, and we say this will not last in its effects as all to come about it are misgivings.

So it is said at this time, time will tell the whereabouts of all these folks, intrepid dealers of fate, misconstrued from the onset to be of better mind and temperament to do justice to their cause. However here is the error of their ways, insufficient as it is stated elsewhere. They have nowhere to turn when the going gets rough for them to endure the consequences of their actions. It is seen fit, the discouraging means by which they have come into action, however misconstrued it all was. Here too, those about them have seen fit to discourage others from finding their way home again, and in this alone there is great error, for those who discount the means by which others come to front themselves is awkward at best and ensues upon a path of their own to destruction of all known to them.

It is often these days, when this is seen far and wide, spread about the land. These folks have work to do to be ensnared by their own Selves if they are to be of any useful intent during future days of their lives. It is here we ask all to consider the nature of that being put forth to them and by them to ensure the days ahead are profitable and pliable in the hearts of all those come to be known by them. It is here the crux of the matter is implored to become that which can assist and be of service to all who come forward at this time. Be not the ones to continue in such a way to discount yourselves in the offerings that can make a difference in the life you hold and hold dear to yourselves.

Staying the Course
Consequences Ahead


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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