Consequences Ahead

Consequences Ahead

So we say to you time will tell what all this is about and you will see, inevitably, the consequences of your actions when it comes to being sure of yourself in the times to come. There is no substitute for self assurance. In and of this it is said while all goes well question not, until all turns south and leaves you wanting for more.

These times leave one with the consequences at hand. They are the consequences of those actions sought out far in advance of their realization here on Earth. These consequences show not their bad side until that point in time when it is realized something is wrong. In and of this we say, be careful of what you put forth during these times, for it will come back at you without hesitation and interfere with the task at hand. In and of this it is seen the results of such actions and it is not what you want to see. So we say to you stop and think of what you are doing and what you are emoting, for together these form a potent cocktail of sorts, to bring you what you desire, and in and of this it is seen the temptation to scrutinize all that comes your way. Leave well enough alone and let the events do the talking for you, for as it is seen, those who want nothing less than a place to sleep will be easily satisfied. Those who want more will have more to endure, so we say take note of what you want and act accordingly, for it will be yours without asking one day.

Miscreants of Humanity
Forgoing the Journey Within


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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