"Cast aside all doubts. There is no room for them here."
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Forgoing the Journey Within

Forgoing the Journey Within

So it is seen during these days ahead that those about you who contain little to offer will be met in undue cause with that from Above that cares not for the actions seen. It is here all will find themselves when met with anger and frustration at what is to come, when they find themselves away from all that makes sense to them in their lives.

It is important to consider, as all this is happening there are others, equally as skilled in doing nothing, foment other schemes in the intent to disclose all that needs to be known about such causes to humanity. All in all, this amounts to nothing but more frustration for those so inept they cannot even keep their eyes open for long periods of time.

We say this unequivocally as many will be found in the days to come with no aptitude for any care giving at all. It is here many will flee the confines of their own Self and onto other arenas of being not supported by those charges within to take you home again. Lest it be known otherwise, it behooves you to continue in all that you do. It is imperative to continue as such. It is seen here the demise of the soul structure when this is not done, for here and here alone are the only means of rectifying a soul structure bound in activity-laden desires of pomp and circumstance. These must be done away with during the days ahead and we see nothing of the kind occurring for many who inhabit the planet.

At this time it is said, point blank, that to do otherwise is a perilous adventure, marked with cosmic trepidations seen from here. All in all, while we talk to you at this time we see much in the way of adjunct behaviors demolish those of like kind who know no better than continue on the pathway to destruction.

All in all again, it is heard from us the temptation is great to continue as is. However, in the long run there are sources afoot to take you down in one way or another. It is seen here the likes of trepidations galore, and in and of this it is seen the basking in the sunlight of God as well - dutifully seen.

So we tell you this to affirm the consequences of not going where the Light of life is held. It is here, waiting in fact for your arrival. It is not apt to disintegrate in any way whatsoever until you arrive.

So we tell you this indeed, at the outcome of new beginnings wrought out for you during these days ahead. Now that we have said this, let us continue...later on.

Consequences Ahead
A Call to Arms


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Sunday, 09 March 2025