"Expectations are just that, expected results and have no bearing on reality."
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Good News!

Good News!

It is seen during these days ahead, many things about which will attempt to deter you from your course. As this occurs, you must understand that at last we are seeing the scope and the venture within which, all are subjugated. As this occurs, you are to understand also the nature of that to arise [within] will subjugate that which is seen around it, and in this way fruition becomes evident in that we are freed once again to utilize all that is good, to embrace for once and for all. 

Due to extenuating circumstances it is seen here and now, determined souls who become immortal, simply by becoming that who they are, in this way subterfuging all actions upon them by virtue of the knowledge held within. In times such as these it is imperative to walk with head held high, in the knowledge and awareness that what is seen within is totally normal in the scheme of things. What was lost has now come forward to reintroduce itself, as a matter of speaking.

Here and now the requirements are laid bare for you to see the unequivocal nature by which all is assumed to be. In that it cannot occur when all is clouded with remorse, jealousy and the like, many take it upon themselves to reintroduce this into the pit of despair from whence it all came. In actuality we see this promulgated at a very low level of living, where nothing much resonates for the individual at hand. Here however it is seen differently for it is understood that to have been sequestered in life in such a means has taken hold in demonstrably sinister ways, and for no cause at all really as this was a set up from the beginning of time itself.

Now that clarity has begun for many of you, the doors have opened significantly enough to allow you to walk through as the time grows close to understanding all this that is about you. You have interfered in this process long enough, and now it is time to put down all the resistance about it and relish in the fact that all this has been made available to you. In fact, we see no obscuring consequences in any of it as we move along, forward at last to the goal of all goals. Suffice it to say, these times bequeath the light of God to those so subjugated to it, that they cannot stand any longer to bequeath themselves with the suffering seen around them.

It is time to bequeath, in earnestness and honesty, all that is holy in the universe and become one with that. It interferes little in the daily activities to bequeath such a notion to one's Self indeed. And with this we will part, for the conclusions are self evident at this point. We think you all know where you are going at this time.

A Glimpse - The Days Ahead
The Rampage of Hearts


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Sunday, 09 March 2025