"It’s not about who you are or who you think you are. It’s about who you really are. Focus on that."

Global Warming

Global Warming

As you know, detrimental consequences are about to emerge for you and others which are related to this concept of 'global warming'. Aforementioned statements about this have not been made at thi...

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We will tell you of this. In fact, when we see this we laugh for it includes that which we saw hundreds of years ago, played out the same way. We speak of those occurrences that uphold the light within those fo...

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Troubling Times


These are troubling times, these in which you find yourselves. In addition to those edicts placed before you there will be more to come in the future of events to hit your planet. We say this not as an affront to the being, but to incorporate, more or less, that which will enable those in charge to ...

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  440 Hits

The Strategy of Confusion

The Strategy of Confusion

In times when all that is seen makes no sense to you, know something else is afoot. These days see much in the way of that and it is done with purpose. The purpose lies in the fact that those in charge never give anything away freely. It must be discerned and when all is let loose, as it is, there i...

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  394 Hits

Betraying the Betrayor


In times such as these it is seen whereby those included in subterfuge and the like have nowhere to go to hang their hat, so to speak. In these times there are many who come forward with information that is doubted by those with power for they see it as an antithesis to what they would like to see o...

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Misfits of Power

Misfits of Power

  Let us say without equivocation, that there are misfits afoot in places of high order that care not for anything worldly other than the complete usurping of it. These are people so enamored with their ow...

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Trading Sides


It is very much a concern at the moment when all else fails that these things being met with are able to do their job, for we say this in reference to that which is seen on the forefront of events witnessed so far to date. Things don't match up. There is no recluse for those in power who wish to rem...

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Out in the Cold


We say at this time it is important to consider all avenues open and available to you for soon enough there will be that which you cannot fathom at your doorstep, and we see the repercussions of all that. And we say in these times there will be turmoil and struggle for those who know no better than ...

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Toxic Times


There is much to be desired in the realms of man inasmuch as we've seen the best and worst - both sides of existence - and know for a fact these things dissuade many from doing the right thing for themselves an...

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