Troubling Times


These are troubling times, these in which you find yourselves. In addition to those edicts placed before you there will be more to come in the future of events to hit your planet. We say this not as an affront to the being, but to incorporate, more or less, that which will enable those in charge to continue in their quest for world dominance.

Those in charge know better than to consume that which is right in front of them. In this way they avoid ever getting tangled in that which would hinder their task at hand. We say, be aware of what follows for it will not be easy to ascertain the truth of the situation as it is presented and we know how this is going to turn out.

It is said, when all light turns to darkness the sun cannot be far behind and so it is here when everything looks dark indeed, for there will be a time of conjecture or its equivalent in that no one will know nor understand how to take the incidences given to the public. For one will say it's this way, the other will say it's that way and so, with this involved in the scheme of things, conclusions are lacking.

It is seen also that while this is happening on one front another is let loose to further the confusion and hold hostage the remnants of the population who wish to play this game. It is said also, while these things are occurring in one place another will be set on fire somewhere else. This is how it goes from here on out.

There are no saviors for you. Know that. Instead, the likes of which have never been seen when all, including those below ground, will favorably discharge their duties into the ionosphere of life. We say this also, stop and listen to what is being said by those in power here. They know not what to expect either and if anyone of them goes off mark it will be sad testimony for those in charge, holding them responsible for the errors of their ways. In this way all is secured for them, through blasphemies, curses and the like, to harness those in power to accept their fate in these dismal occurrences sought forth in the arena of planetary awareness.

Making Way
The End of an Era


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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