Event on the Horizon
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[I asked for clarification of this message and what it was referencing, and Spirit replied:]
It is here you are to do your best, for explaining further could prove detrimental overall.
[And so, onto the message:]
At this time we inform you of things to come. All in all, we can say these things are not disastrous as may be thought, but know too it is not important to consider them so, as they will prove out their existence in any way possible. So we would like to inform you of stupendous consequences to be seen shortly thereof - those things requiring discernment from the One Above. This is to say at the outset, one may be perplexed in the vision, yet contemplative in its passing.
This is interesting for it forecloses upon you derelict streams of behavior, not yet wanting to concede itself within. As we see this to be, these folks are not out to harm as much as disinform completely and thoroughly in the future days of your lives. It is here they will dwell, tweeking propensity after propensity until their job is done. It is only a matter of fact until that point in time when all is said and done and all others are struck naked in their tracks with what has been told to them.
Do not agree, for it is seen here dismal and demonic methods being used to incur grief and forbearance into a situation beyond all hope of salvation. At this time too, enforced dialog requires no thinking about it at all. As we move toward this time be aware this is not a drill of sorts, but an adjunct to future developments to set you off track further than already done, and we say that surreptitiously indeed, for they will never allow those involved to know the truth of the matter at all, and in this way disturb the peace as little as possible.
It is here you must concede your intelligence to break through discourse and meaningless chatter given to inform and deny simultaneously, the instances of being seen here in denial once again, for fortuitous behavior often reeks of distorted views and we see that here clearly indeed. Know for yourself these things are limited in scope, and consequently have no bearing on that which is to come.
It is here you must think to bring yourself around to clarity of thinking harbored within, which will, in all probability, severely reduce its presence in the days to come.