"Let all go with an ease and forbearance to allow things their time and place to exist."
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The Capitol Insurrection

The Capitol Insurrection

Behold, we say to you that before we strike at the meat of the matter it behooves you to consider the following. The import of days to come on well being, insight and true understanding are wrapped in cloths so profoundly thick it is near impossible to fathom correct meaning from them. We say this as it has occurred without hesitation on the part of those in charge a formidable escape into lands unknown at this time. This does not include those whose sight is blinded by those who incur insurrection by force within the walls of the Capitol building. These people know and are aware of the forthright claim to victory being made at this time.

For those involved in this scheme are traitors of the highest degree and bring forth with themselves a frightful treasure of things gone bad and are amused at the shortcomings of those in power at this time. There is not one, but many who conceive of actionless enterprises to invoke sustenance and remain clueless, more or less, of the treasons held within the structures which are a part of all commerce at this time.

Beyond this lies at the heart, one who knows for sure the remedy which must be placed for all to see just how involved they all are in the demise of a planetary system. And, in fact, before all is said and done we see those at the forefront being absorbed in the chaos that ensues from their treachery. It goes without saying, during these times of travail and ill will towards others, the respite in place will serve as a sanction to those in charge and avail them naught in the throes of time.

Advent of the One World Religion
The Biden


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Sunday, 09 March 2025