"If you cannot open to what is seen the remedy is lacking."
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Advent of the One World Religion


It is seen far above and beyond the normal sphere of things and of great import, a recluse of profound influence who will become the next Christ figure on your planet. It behooves you not to believe or insist in the resurgence of such a one, as it will be a total surprise and ruse to get you to continue your dependence on that which is outside of yourself, forever lost in ways to navigate home safely after a long and difficult ride at sea.​

We say that this occurrence of visual treats are designed to impose the belief that reality has dawned when in fact quite the opposite has occurred, for within their plan to obscure reality lies the means to ensnare unlikely ones into the trap to believing what is seen is real. It will take fortitude and strength of will and mind to understand that what is seen is mesmerizing in its effects, but nonetheless, hollow and vaporous in its reality.​
Those who would succumb to such a show of lights will inevitably fall short of understanding what has occurred, to ensnare them into a plan so devious that will take centuries of time to undo. Those lost at sea will be relieved at the sighting, but those grounded in reality will see the difference presented to them, of flight vs. fantasy at a demonstrated grand level of occurrence.​
There is no savior save Self, and this lesson needs to be learned and assimilated by those who would think and believe otherwise. And this occurrence of one from the sky will envelop nations and scar many in its process of describing a formidable sanctuary for all inclusive of its words. Heed not what is said as this will only confuse and render impotent any work with Self achieved so far and leave all good things behind in favor of that which deceives, at its roots, the children of God at its core.​
Listen well to these words for within them lies the truth, upheld through eons of time and seen through the travels of time onward to this day. Know that within these words are truth to consider your own, for to be fallen into these traps, set for all to ensnare themselves, are in the workings of demonic structures and situations that wish to alter timelines in place and alter the path of humanity forward.​
It is time to relate this situation, for all included in its walls of safety will maintain their stature and sanity in a world gone mad with excuses for being, rather than for being with no excuses.
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Sunday, 09 March 2025