"Power is a glorious commodity, but misused, a treacherous foe."
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The Biden - a Fateful Consideration



youtubeWhen you see around you those who would misinform duly for personal gain, know these people are out on a mission. To dis-inform means to obscure the truth and this we see prevalent in today's news, especially as the one we call the Biden has, to effect, done nothing to assure his people of positive, forward movement. Instead, he augurs at his own pace, refuting that which has been placed in front of him, denying lies and obscuring truths.

For this we say, beware of this man for he holds in his hand the keys to the universe in which one may go far, far astray before noticing that anything is amiss. And we say too, for it is within our sphere of knowledge to say this, he will inevitably try with all his might to enforce those edicts upon the population to dissuade anyone from making decisions on their own, stating they know better than any about how things work and work out for others.

Within this we see also that brought about by him to dissuade any from being a part of anything that moves a country forward at this time. All inclusively, he will fight for opportunities to tell people where their mistakes lie and within what structures he presumes will answer to him and him alone. These times beset inequality at its peek and in the foreseeable future will attempt dastardly things to encourage his mission of bringing down a country to its knees in short order.

There are those who suppose this man to be forthright and righteous in his manner and those who would do so in a moment's notice. But we tell you do not attempt any consideration for what comes forth from this individual for he knows not what awaits him at his final hour of discontent. It would be well advised to continue forward without consideration for his pretense that ensues from his misdirection that will ensnare many, for his offerings speak sweetly of things in the hearts and minds of many who desire change and support for what he has to offer, none of which shall prove, vapid and vagrant, of value to each who determine his speech of value.

It is said that before a man speaks well of another he must speak well of himself and in this case it is adamantly seen his attitude toward self is lacking in introspection and desire for truth to be revealed. In this way we know there are no recourses left to ensure those who would follow such an individual in the course of an evening, never mind in tenure to the office of President of the United States.

Besides this, there are those who would insist in his becoming firmer in his policies to ensnare as many as possible. And we say that this alone includes situations which bring about scandal and inquiry into the doings of both he and his son. Biden will lose this battle for righteousness gone astray and will prove for himself a treacherous beginning into the realms of darkness to consume his soul, forever lost among the stars of inequity, borne of violence and hatred for those he cannot control inside.

He seeks no truth nor justice in his wake, only that which will prove himself right in a situation designed for his downfall, abruptly and succinctly, in a moment's notice in time when all that is lost is distinctly seen as having been treacherous at heart and used in such a way as to include all those around him. It will be had in due time and until then he will continue his charade, full force, snaring those who would come too close to his dealings with the devil in disguise as the truth, justice and a way of life dealing with criminal elements of a structure so huge it boggles the mind of the average observer.

Be it known therefore, that before this is over we see him scrambling big time for recluse and favoritism of others to save what was once a glorious empire, built on rocks of sustainable arrogance and systems in place to dissuade any from taking them apart. Times are changing. These things are no longer sustainable. In their wake arise structures to support a people and a mass of individuals to continue forward in their quest for a long life lived with freedom at hand and this we see possible, for when we know this turns out well for some, others will face different consequences in their choices made so far to date, and in this we say all will be well and encourage all to move forward as is fitting for themselves and them alone.

We see this lightened transition available, for those who desire peace and longevity at the forefront of their minds, to include all those to join their endeavor in the scheme of things to come on planet Earth.

Awaken to the Truth of Your Being
Advent of the One World Religion


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Sunday, 09 March 2025