"When it gets dark, turn on the light. There is no need for remorse."
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The End of an Era

The End of an Era

It is said before beginning any endeavor its best to incur the advice of another who knows more than you about the subject. This, we say, is a fallacy in that what is needed is the wherewithal to encourage yourself in avenues of exploration that yield the information sought after for yourself, no one else. In these times when all is hidden from view, far be it from us to continue otherwise. It is known, factually, what occurs when individuals venture forth incurring wisdom from others who know no better themselves.

It is seen this is much the case these days when one so insurrected as the Biden cannot make a definitive statement on his own. We say this as what is seen hereafter are those occurrences whereby he has no recourse but to be held in captivity by his abusers until that time when he is deemed reliable enough to be let loose on his own which will never happen. It is to this end we say, unequivocally, the abrupt end to his reign is looming in the not too distant future where he will be replaced by the Powers that Be to include those who have no issue coming forth into an arena where public scrutiny is held. This, we say, will occur when the time holds dear all that, in its consequence, rivals the fortuitous arrival of Peter the Great on horseback to the towns involved in predisposing him to a plethora of ill will and subterfuge.

It goes without saying, when this occurs it is well spent on admonishing those who came before, tarnished in the light of day for all to see and deem inappropriate at best. So look for these occurrences to unfold one by one until that time when he who has the throne will usurp all power given to him by a people so immersed in their own glory, they have forgotten about others who continue, to this day, to unfold the light within. It is seen to no avail that which is sought after for their own demise rests on that precept which requires all to do their best in the times ahead.

Troubling Times
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Sunday, 09 March 2025