"It is not about what you think, it is about what is. That is the nature of being. Use it to your advantage."
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Leaving the Matrix - Living on the Outskirts


youtubeWhen it is known what is about to occur we say the temptation is to incur an antidote for all that is come to pass. In this light, where all fails to include those so taken by surprise, we see mounting evidence to the contrary that all was not as it was seen in the beginning. Know well in advance that when confronted with the likes of those whose sole wish is to be a part of the structure within which all is said and done for you, there are no stones unturned by those who be your keepers.

They will indulge the masses in ways never seen before and when this is all said and done no one left alive on the planet will be spared the intricacies associated with those methods used to inoculate and contain what is shown to be the only thing worth any value at all.

It is said before beginning, that when this happens there will be those who decide this is not for them and they will include all they can muster to them for the means of having with them those who would know better than to fall for such a thing. In these ways there will be many with the need to adjust to a new lifestyle, one which includes the wherewithal to enable them to survive in the midst of terror all around them. This will not be easy for it must be taken into account that not all have the same skills or mindset to enable fruition of what needs to be done.

And we say when this occurs it will be well to consider these things when making your move for as things heat up, and they will, what is seen is never what really is and in that way it behooves all with a plan of this nature to include those with whom a rapport can be established, one in which all see and know the effects each will bring on the other and in this way no one is caught off guard.

It is important to consider these things for as we move forward in time all kinds of predicaments will prevail harvesting the best and worst from those so involved. Be it known therefore, the time is right for selecting the choices you wish to make and plan for them accordingly. It behooves one to continue forward at a rapid pace for no one will come to your aid when the rubber meets the road. You will be on your own and with those selected by you to include in your adventure.

Know this too, that when all is said and done, looking back at what took place will be something that will have a loss for words. Inasmuch as it is essential to keep this in mind for yourself, we say the future is contingent upon many things and we say this to reinforce the need for sustenance and like minded people with whom you agree and get along with. Otherwise you are digging your own grave with intentions that will backfire at some point in time.

The End of an Era
Working Together


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Friday, 07 March 2025